How to take care of your Spring flowering bulbs

How to take care of your Spring flowering bulbs

Gardening means planning ahead sometimes. So if you want to have a bright colorful garden next spring, autumn is the time to plant your Spring flowering bulbs.

Examples of spring bulbs are the Crocuses, Hyacinths, Tulips and Narcissi. You can find these and more at Little Tree Garden Market where our staff is happy to help you with any questions you may have. In this blog we'll explain some of the basics!

When and how to plant Spring flowering bulbs

The most important thing to bear in mind is that you must plant spring flowering bulbs before the ground is frozen. So anywhere between September and the end of November when the ground is still warm and there is enough nourishment in the soil for the bulbs.Try to plant spring bulbs in the ground as soon as possible after purchasing them. Exposing them to chilling temperatures will make them stronger and break their winter dormancy.

How to plant Spring flowering bulbs

It’s not hard to plant bulbs, everybody can do it and with the following tips, you can make sure you do it the right way!

  • Plant the bulbs at two to three times their depth. Place the bulbs in the hole with their 'nose', or shoot, facing upwards.
  • Add a handful of grit to help drain heavy soil.
  • Water your bulbs frequently but make sure not to soak them.

Buying Spring flowering bulbs at LittleTree Garden Market!

At Little Tree we have a wide range of spring flowering bulbs. Whether you like a mix that will attract bees and butterflies, in bright shades of pink or purple. Or you like dark coloured tulips, classic yellow Narcissi or bright blue hyacinths. If you have any questions or are seeking some personal advice, please contact us or come to our garden center in Fergus.

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