Watering your garden during summer

Watering your garden during summer

At LittleTree, we know how vital water is for the life and survival of all plants in your garden. That's why you'll find many different watering solutions and all the accessories you might need for the best water management in your garden! We're happy to help you out along the way, with some tips & tricks for optimal water management.

Why is water important?

Plants require water to transport nutrients and sugars from the soil to the plants. Water scarcity or drought can be fatal in some cases or cause severely slow plant growth. Drought-stricken plants may be left vulnerable to secondary infection by pests or pathogens as a result of prolonged drought. That's why it is so important to have a good water plan in your garden.

The different ways to water your garden properly

Watering the garden can be done in many different ways and is not the same in any garden! What works for you depends on how big your garden is, what's growing in it and how much time you have. The three most common ways to water your garden are below:

  1. Soaker hoses: these are excellent for watering trees, shrubs, flowers and vegetables, because they are permeable and release water slowly, allowing you to water even deep roots. You can water a tree by encircling it with a soaker hose and letting it run for up to an hour or longer, until water has penetrated 6 to 10 inches of soil. Or you can run it along flower or vegetable beds and water in the early morning or early evening.
  2. Watering cans: A watering can is one of the most crucial gardening tools you need. Despite its simplicity, there are various types, and you will need one that is ideal for watering what you want and where. Keep in mind that carrying a water can can be heavy and that a watering can rose might be handy when you want to water your vegetable seeds but maybe not for your hanging baskets.
  3. Water butts: It is better for your lawn care and plants, as well as the environment, to collect and use rainwater that has fallen on your roof by installing a water butt. You can also use the water to clean cars and windows, in addition to washing them. A lid on a water butt will prevent accumulated leaves or small animals from accidentally drowning. You can link up two or more water butts if you want to collect more water than they can hold.

The basic watering tips for your garden

When you are watering your plants in the garden, there are many little things you can do to make better use of water in your garden, for example:

  • avoid using a watering can on rose trees, except on seedlings, because much of the water does not reach the roots where it’s needed
  • water early in the morning or at night so that water doesn't evaporate in the heat of the day before it can reach the roots
  • Rather water fewer times and heavy then often and a little, watering too often can keep roots shallow and weaken plants
  • weed regularly to make sure that watering helps plants and weeds don't take up much needed water, space and nutrients meant for your plants
  • prioritize young plants and seedlings - more established plants have deeper roots and will survive longer periods without water
  • don't waste water on your garden paths, terrace and patio.

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