Little Trees at Best Garden Centre in Ontario

Little Tree Garden Market in Fergus is not just a regular garden centre. We are a boutique garden centre and a beautiful place to visit. Not only do we sell little trees and plants, but we also grow them ourselves. This way, we can provide our clients with the highest quality plants possible. The plants we don’t grow ourselves come from other quality growers. So if you’re wondering ‘What is the best garden centre in Ontario?’ you should visit us, and decide for yourself. While you are here, our staff can provide you with the best plants and advice, according to your wishes. And the best thing? Our Garden Centre is only a short drive from:

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Extensive range at garden centre Little Tree Garden Market

As our name might suggest, we sell lots of different trees. However, our range doesn’t end there. We specialise in many kinds of plants, flowers and even pottery. This raises the question; what is the product range of the garden centre? We will list some of our most popular categories for you: 

  • Houseplants, varying from bonsai to ferns and even houseplants that are hard to find elsewhere;
  • Pottery, for example hanging baskets, where it’s possible even to have them custom-made;
  • Garden ornaments, to make your garden beautiful;
  • Hard goods, to take the best care of your garden;
  • Trees, our wide range of flowering trees and fruit trees is something you will certainly like!

Our product range is very wide, but on top of that, you can profit from several other facilities as well. You can think of our local delivery service, custom container creations, in-house landscape design and planting, tree planting service, free parking and many more. On top of that, we are easily accessible from Highway 6, so if you’re from Belwood, Alma, Arthur or another place close by, we are just a short drive away. 

Best nursery and little trees in Ontario

In our garden centre in Fergus, you can find our plant nursery. We put all our knowledge and care into growing the best plants for our visitors in several gardens. After more than 100 years of experience, we can proudly say that we know what we’re doing and that we're good at what we do. We would love to welcome you to our boutique, show you around our nursery and have you take a look at our products. But what are the garden centre’s opening hours? We are open 7 days a week but would recommend you have a quick look at our opening hours below before you hit the road.

Visit Little Tree Garden Market in Ontario

Whether you're from Guelph, Drayton, Salem or Elora, we are very well accessible. You can either come by bike or take the car if you’re feeling active. Profit from our free parking and stay as long as you’d like. LittleTree is not just a garden boutique; we have much more to offer. What makes us unique are our tree planting services, the accessibility for wheelchair-bound people, our landscape design service and the option to have your pottery custom-designed! We hope to welcome you someday soon and show you around.

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